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Author or Institution as Author
Prasit Wangpakapattanawong

Robert Finlayson, Ingrid Öborn, James M. Roshetko, Fergus Sinclair, Kenichi Shono, Simone Borelli, Anique Hillbrand and Michela Conigliaro.

Resource Type
Curated Content
Date of Publication
Sep 01, 2017

This manual is intended to help rural advisory and agricultural extension workers guide farming communities in the establishment of agroforestry prac ces in rice-produce on landscapes in Southeast Asia. It sets out the steps to be taken to successfully integrate trees in rice- elds and associated farms and landscapes and presents prac cal tools that can be used by extensionists when supporting farmers who are implementing agroforestry practices on their farms.

The ultimate aim of this guide is to support farmers in increasing the overall productivity of their farms while increasing resilience to climate change, improving the health of the surrounding environment, and enhancing the livelihoods of their communites.


Prasit Wangpakapattanawong, Robert Finlayson, Ingrid Öborn, James M. Roshetko, Fergus Sinclair, Kenichi Shono, Simone Borelli, Anique Hillbrand and Michela Conigliaro. Agroforestry in rice-production landscapes in Southeast Asia a practical manual. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2017. Bangkok, Thailand.

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