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APPSA Lesotho
Resource Type
Partner Collections Content
Date of Publication
Apr 01, 2021

The Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA)- is a project supported by the World Bank which seeks to promote a regional approach to agricultural technology generation and dissemination by supporting, strengthening and scaling up of regional centers of Regional Leadership on commodities of regional importance. APPSA is structured around four components of which one of them is technology generation and dissemination hence the reason for sub-projects that address this component.

Department of Agricultural Research - Lesotho

Latest Resources

A comprehensive scoping and assessment study of climate smart agriculture (CSA) policies in Namibia
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Agronomic assessment of a taro-bambara intercrop under rainfed conditions
Approaches to Reinforce Crop Productivity under Water-Limited Conditions in Sub-Humid Environments in Sub-Saharan Africa

Funding Partners