Good day,
Early-bird registration is now open for the 2nd APPSA Regional Scientific Conference to be held from the 15th to 17th January 2025 in Maseru, in the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho, under the theme “Investing in agricultural research for sustainable economic growth in the SADC region”.
The APPSA Scientific Conference is aimed at fostering learning, collaboration and sharing of best practices for improving agricultural productivity and production in the face increasing climate related hazards and different types of global shocks.
The Scientific Conference organizers are also pleased to invite you to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations. For details, kindly click on the flyer above or the following link to visit the conference webpage:
Reserve your spot now!
We look forward to seeing you in Maseru.
Center for Coordination of Agricultural Research
and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA)
Plot 4701 Station Exit Road
Private Bag 00357, Gaborone - Botswana.
Tel: +267 3914997
Email: smocumbe@ccardesa.org<mailto:smocumbe@ccardesa.org>
Mobile: (+267) 77704226 or (+258) 829705050 (WhatsApp)
Skype : sostino.mocumbi
Twitter: @sostinojr
[signature_312932645]<https://www.ccardesa.org/>l D-Group<https://www.facebook.com/ccardesa>| <http://www.facebook.com/ccardesa> [signature_3697326183] <https://www.facebook.com/ccardesa> | <http://twitter.com/ccardesaa> [signature_432621242] <https://twitter.com/ccardesa_sadc>
Visit the CCARDESA Southern African Agricultural
Information and Knowledge System (SAAIKS
Link: http://www.ccardesa.org<http://www.ccardesa.org/saaiks-knowledge-hub>
Good day,
Early-bird registration is now open for the 2nd APPSA Regional Scientific Conference to be held from the 15th to 17th January 2025 in Maseru, in the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho, under the theme “Investing in agricultural research for sustainable economic growth in the SADC region”.
The APPSA Scientific Conference is aimed at fostering learning, collaboration and sharing of best practices for improving agricultural productivity and production in the face increasing climate related hazards and different types of global shocks.
The Scientific Conference organizers are also pleased to invite you to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations. For details, kindly click on the flyer above or the following link to visit the conference webpage:
Reserve your spot now!
We look forward to seeing you in Maseru.
Center for Coordination of Agricultural Research
and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA)
Plot 4701 Station Exit Road
Private Bag 00357, Gaborone - Botswana.
Tel: +267 3914997
Email: smocumbe@ccardesa.org<mailto:smocumbe@ccardesa.org>
Mobile: (+267) 77704226 or (+258) 829705050 (WhatsApp)
Skype : sostino.mocumbi
Twitter: @sostinojr
[signature_312932645]<https://www.ccardesa.org/>l D-Group<https://www.facebook.com/ccardesa>| <http://www.facebook.com/ccardesa> [signature_3697326183] <https://www.facebook.com/ccardesa> | <http://twitter.com/ccardesaa> [signature_432621242] <https://twitter.com/ccardesa_sadc>
Visit the CCARDESA Southern African Agricultural
Information and Knowledge System (SAAIKS
Link: http://www.ccardesa.org<http://www.ccardesa.org/saaiks-knowledge-hub>