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Hello from Madagascar,
Our country is producing wheat as well and in the late 80's and 90s there was a project supporting wheat production. The market is there within the country itself but the fact is that even if the wheat quaality was good, the capacity of the milling company is too big for the wheat produced locally; this is still the case and farmers are discouraged. However, niche market for wheat are not exploited ( whole wheat is very competitive and very nutritious also). We (in Madagascar) cannot meet the deficit (around 60000tons/year) because of the limited area suitable for it and because of the competition with other food crops but we can produce well with enough technicity and now we are going to start to try mixing wheat with OFSP puree to reduce the wheat flour use (by 1/4) and improve the nutritive facts of our bread. For this to happen we would need scientific and financial supports from CCARDESA.
 Noroseheno FIFAMANORCentre de développement rural et de recherche appliquéeAntsirabe Madagascar
Le lundi 3 décembre 2018 à 23:08:18 UTC+3, Rudi Hintermeister <> a écrit :

CCARDESA commissioned a study on sustainable and competitive small holder wheat production and marketing in southern Africa in order to address the wheat deficit in the region. Dr. Munyinda one of the consultants involved in the study, presented the study’s findings at the Regional Policy Dialogue which was held in Maputo, Mozambique from 20-22 November, 2018. The findings revealed a 72% deficit of wheat production. Furthermore, that consumption of wheat is higher than its production in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. CCARDESA calls to action African countries to seize this 72% gap as an opportunity to venture in wheat growing and to blend wheat with flours from other locally produced crops such as sorghum and cassava. If this call is not headed, African countries will continue depleting their hard earned foreign revenue to import wheat thereby stretching their national treasuries. To find out more please follow this link:…

Is it possible for Sub-Saharan Countries to meet this deficit? What needs to happen for wheat production in these countries to go to a surplus?


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