Ground Floor, Red Brick Building, Plot 4701 Station Exit Road
Mailing Address: Private Bag 00357, Gaborone, Botswana
PhD and an MSc in Animal Breeding and Genetics, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a BSc in General Agriculture
Podisi has over 28 years of experience at national and regional level in the agricultural research and development sector. He has the overall responsibility with the technical implementation of the CAADP-XP4 programme in terms of its coordination, planning, stakeholder engagement, execution and reporting. He also serves as the Regional Coordinator for the SADC Sub-Regional Focal Point for the management of farm animal genetic resources.
Previously he served at CCARDESA as the Research & Advisory Services Thematic Coordinator (RASC) from 2013- until 2020. The RASC role entailed coordinating the performance of agricultural research and advisory service projects as well as developing initiatives for investment, concept notes, conducting relevant training; analysing and sharing lessons and experiences in agricultural R&D systems in the region. He contributed to diverse regional projects/ initiatives on crops and livestock, technology development, dissemination, climate smart agriculture and on resource mobilisation.
Before joining CCARDESA he had worked at the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) in the Ministry of Agriculture in Gaborone, Botswana from 1992 -2013 where he progressed up to the position of Principal Research Officer. At DAR, he coordinated a national program on the management of farm animal genetic resources from 1998 to 2007 and was the team leader for a national program on beef cattle performance recording and evaluation. His professional interests include gene mapping, breed performance evaluation, genetic characterization and conservation of farm animal genetic resources, climate change, livestock biotechnologies and fostering partnerships in agricultural research and development. He has served in national and international assignments in matters related to animal production, biodiversity, bio-safety and conservation of genetic resources including R&D institutional reform. He possesses versatile skills for programme development and management, broad understanding of regional agricultural development issues, networking and communication with wide audiences.
Dr. Baitsi Kingsley Podisi is the CAADP-XP4 Regional Programme Coordinator. He holds a PhD and an MSc in animal breeding and genetics, a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a BSc in general agriculture.