Malabo Declaration commitments performance Parameters and Measurements
Malabo Declaration commitments performance Parameters and Measurements
Malabo Declaration commitments performance Parameters and Measurements
This is an overview of the CAADP-XP4 Programme
F. Magagula(2021) Comprehensive for Africa Agricultural Development Programme Ex-Pillar 4 .Pg. 25, Gaborone. Botswana
Document for preparing country Biennial Review report on progress made for achieving the Malabo Declaration Goals and Targets
This is an overview of the alignment of the SDGs, Malabo and the Rap
M.Muchero, SDGs, Malabo & RAP aligment ,pg18, Gaborone, Botswana
This is an overview of the CAADP,MALABO & RAP linkages
M, Muchero (2021) CAADP,MALABO & RAP Linkages, pg. 26
This document is a survey of competences of CCARDESA stakeholders in virtual platforms .
CCARDESA, (2020). A report on the level of access and competencies of stakeholders on virtual communications, e-delivery and decisions support tools.pg15
Presentations discusses the role of M&E and learning in R&D projects
Tembo, S. (2019, November 27–29). Role of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of R&D Projects [Conference presentation]. APPSA End of Project Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Presentations shares R&D efforts on legumes under APPSA.
Muimui, K.; Pungulani, L. & Amane, M. (2019, November 27–29). Research and Development (R&D) Efforts under Legumes [Conference presentation]. APPSA End of Project Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Presentation shares R&D efforts on rice under APPSA.
Abade, H. (2019, November 27–29). Research and Development Efforts under Rice [Conference presentation]. APPSA End of Project Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Presentation shares the R&D efforts on maize under APPSA.
Kaonga, K. (2019, November 27–29). Maize Based R&D Efforts [Conference presentation]. APPSA End of Project Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.