Information Brief About CCARDESA Projects 2013-2024
Information Brief About CCARDESA Projects 2013-2024
CCARDESA, (2024),Information Brief About CCARDESA Projects 2013-2024 , P.g 15, Gaborone- Botswana
cliff Dlamini
Information Brief About CCARDESA Projects 2013-2024
CCARDESA, (2024),Information Brief About CCARDESA Projects 2013-2024 , P.g 15, Gaborone- Botswana
cliff Dlamini
National Knowledge Management, Data Capture, CCARDESA Themes and Monitoring/Reporting Malabo Commitments Training Workshop - Eswatini
CCARDESA (2024), National Knowledge Management, Data Capture, CCARDESA Themes and Monitoring/Reporting Malabo Commitments Training Workshop - Eswatini, Pg 72,Gaborone- Botswana
Bridget kakuwa
Aquaculture Presentation at the YoutH Symposium in Bostwana
Bene Baibene Nhambe(2024) Aquaculture in Mozambique, Pg. 14, Maputo-Mozambique
Contact name
Bene Baibene Nhambe
CCARDESA Women & Youth Knowledge Exchange Symposium
As part of its continued objective of harmonising the implementation of agricultural research and development in the SADC region, the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development in Southern Africa (CCARDESA)is pleased to be launching a series of 24 Knowledge Products (KP),aimed at assisting policy makers and extension services navigate and implement different climate smart agricultural (CSA) technologies and practices in the southern Africa region. These KPs make the case for applying climate smart practices in agricultural systems to assist farmers in mitigating and adapting to current and future climate impacts. Each KP will be provided in English, Frenchand Portuguese, and consider the application of CSA practices across CCARDESA’s four key agricultural value chains: Maize, Sorghum, Rice, and Livestock.
Outline Background Vision, Mission and Goal Alignment of MTOP to key strategies MTOP Thematic areas CCARDESA partners and stakeholders Current projects coordinated by CCARDESA Efforts to improve the resilience of food systems
1st Quarter CCARDESA Newsletter 2024
2nd Quarter CCARDESA Newsletter 2024
The Climate Resilient Agriculture Production Programme is a collaboration between the Departments of Agricultural Research in Lesotho and Botswana to undertake climate risk assessment of sustainable agriculture and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) best practices in both countries, using the sorghum value chain as a reference case where necessary.
Restoring Landscapes and Livelihoods for Climate Resilience in Southern Africa’s Rangelands