Terms of Reference_ Development of Information, Communication & Technology Based Knowledge Products in the SADC region
Terms of Reference : Development of Information, Communication & Technilogy Based Knowldge Products in the SADC Region
Terms of Reference : Development of Information, Communication & Technilogy Based Knowldge Products in the SADC Region
Study on Improving Existing Policies to Support Cross Border Trade in Agricultural Inputs and Commodities and National Trainings on Agricultural Innovation System Policy Practice Index in the SADC Region Inception Report
CCARDESA, (2021) Study on Improving Existing Policies to Support Cross Border Trade in Agricultural Inputs and Commodities and National Trainings on Agricultural Innovation System Policy Practice Index in the SADC Region Inception Report,Pg. 15
Regional Knowledge, Information & Data Capture Guidelines Regional Training Workshop Report:
CCRARDESA, (2021) Regional Knowledge, Information & Data Capture Guidelines Regional Training Workshop Report,Pg. 22
SADC Futures: Developing Foresight Capacity for Climate Resilient Agricultural Development Final technical report
CCARDESA,(2020) SADC Futures: Developing Foresight Capacity for Climate Resilient Agricultural Development Final technical report,Pg. 13
Policy makers at national level have been attempting to mainstream climate change into their agricultural policies to increase the agricultural industry’s resilience against climate change and variability. In the absence of a clear understanding of the status of inclusion of relevant climate STI in the SADC regional countries’ agricultural sector, mainstreaming climate change into the agricultural policies becomes difficult. The status report therefore presents an Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) conceptual framework. The AIS framework was used to develop an estimation methodology for tracking the status of inclusion of relevant climate STI in the SADC regional countries’ agricultural sector.
CCARDESA, (2021), Status Report on Inclusion of Relevant Climate STI in the SADC Regional Countries’ Agricultural Sector,Pg.62
TORS-Development of Climate Smart Agriculture Training Materials
TORS- Development of Climate Smart Agriculture Technical Information Products and Scaling Tools
Development of Electronic Filing System - CCARDESA Secretariat under the CAADP-XP4 Project, Botswana.
CCARDESA is a key player in Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) activities and wants to take the AR4D agenda forward by ensuring that Agricultural Transformation embraces digitalization because it has the potential to provide productivity and sustainability gains for the whole agricultural sector. Significant changes in agricultural systems are anticipated because of the convergence of new digital technologies which have the potential to change farming along whole value chains. The demand for region-specific digital technologies for agricultural innovations, coupled with a conducive enabling environment, calls for a systematic assessment of levels of availability of relevant digital systems and the extent to which such technologies are accessible in each of the SADC countries.
CCARDESA has a good track record of successfully supporting the implementation of phased, multi-country programs, and will continue to play this role in the context of the MPA. Since Phase 1 of the MPA will include just one country in Southern Africa, Madagascar, one early role of CCARDESA will be to bring visibility to the Program, its merits, and learnings among SADC’s other member countries. In that way, CCARDESA will enable the Program to grow organically and in a way that is responsive to SADC country priorities and needs. CCARDESA has played this role before, one recent example being in the context of APPSA, a program that started out in three countries—Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia—and later moved on to include two more, Lesotho, and Angola.