In this second edition of the Sustainable Agriculture Production Program (SAPP) Success Stories, we present achievements of smallholder farmers who have adopted various sustainable good agriculture practices with the support from SAPP.SAPP is being implemented in six districts in Malawi namely; Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Balaka, Lilongwe, Nkhotakota and Chitipa. In all those districts the programme has made significant differences in farmer’s lives in the areas of farmer adoption of sustainable good agriculture practices as well as in adaptive research and seed certification.In this second edition, you will get a picture of how farmer’s lives have changed since the introduction of the programme. Topical areas that have been covered include; seed multiplication of ground nuts, chicken production, agribusiness and nutrition, rocket stoves, conservation agriculture, other farming technologies and crop diversification.We hope our selection of success stories will inspire you to adopt and practice sustainable good agriculture practices which will in turn improve the country’s economic growth.
Malawi Government, SAPP Success Stories retrieved from on 13th September,2019