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Feb 03, 2025

CCARDESA has been facilitating the implementation of the APPSA programme, which is supported by the World Bank in three countries (Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia) since 2013. Malawi was capacitated to be the Centre of Leadership in maize-based farming systems. Mozambique was supported to be a leader in rice-based farming systems. On the other hand, Zambia was supported in becoming a leader in legume-based farming systems. Angola and Lesotho joined in later in 2019.The Republic of Angola’s RCoL deals with cassava and cassava-based farming systems, while Lesotho deals with some horticulture products. Other SADC countries, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania and Zimbabwe are yet to establish new Regional Centres of Leadership (RCoLs). In this regard, a study was commissioned by CCARDESA covering the following areas: 

  1. Identify the priority research and development commodities for the National Agriculture Research and Extension Systems (NARES) for each SADC Member State (except Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia). In the process, the study found it necessary to propose at least three priority research and development commodities, ranked in terms of priority, with detailed analysis centred on priority product one research and development commodity.
  2. Assess the regional competitiveness of the selected priority research and Development commodity,
  3. Assess the gaps or challenges in terms of (1) human resources (2) infrastructure (3) finance (4) and climate-related challenges and others surrounding the prioritised commodity or commodities. This is done to develop priority interventions to support establishing and operationalizing RCoLs.
  4. Assess high-level policies, initiatives, institutional arrangements, and even budgeting decisions that have cross-cutting relevance to food systems resilience, including supporting the sustainable management of RCoLs and natural resources.
  5. Identify CCARDESA’s role in strengthening the RCoLs response to food security and resilience challenges.

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