PhD in Geomatics
Prior to joining FARA in 2006, Dr Agumya worked for six years as a Geo-Information Systems analyst at the World Agroforestry Centre within its regional programme for Southern Africa coordinated from Harare, Zimbabwe where he was responsible for identifying priority geographical domains for out-scaling agroforestry technologies. Through his work at the World Agroforestry Centre and FARA, Dr Agumya has acquired a deep understanding of the context, dynamics and drivers of Africa’s agriculture research and innovation landscape.
An alumnus of the University of Melbourne, Dr Agumya holds a doctorate degree in Geo-Information Sciences (GIS). He also holds an MSc in GIS from the International Centre for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) in Enschede, the Netherlands and a BSc in Surveying and Photogrammetry from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr. Aggrey Agumya Executive Director and Head of Mission of FARA. He has been a part of the FARA story for the last 18 years when he joined the Secretariat as the Programme Officer of the sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Programme (SSA-CP), a well-recognized continental Flagship programme of FARA. Thereafter, he served in key programme and leadership positions in FARA, including as Technical Advisor to the former two Executive Directors. In 2016, Dr Agumya was appointed as the Director responsible for stakeholder engagement and communication. In 2020, he was appointed Director for Research and Innovation. In this position, he also served as the de facto Deputy Executive Director. He has been closely associated with most of the significant achievements of FARA.