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Programme Officer
Address and contact details

Ground Floor, Red Brick Building, Plot 4701 Station Exit Road

Mailing Address: Private Bag 00357, Gaborone, Botswana

Email address
Sector affiliation
Education level
Area of Specialisation
Working language

Ph.D in Agriculture majoring in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Master of Science Degree in Agronomy (Plant Breeding), a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science), and a Diploma in Agriculture

Professional Experience

Dr. Chataika has worked with several agricultural institutions including National NGOs, International Research Institutions, Government Projects, Donor funded projects, and Farmer Associations & Cooperatives. He worked for two CGIARs (IITA and CIAT), implementing agricultural research for development (AR4D) projects, supporting resource mobilization initiatives, generation, and dissemination of agricultural technologies, including climates smart agricultural (CSA) technologies; and capacity strengthening of the SADC agricultural institutions. He has also worked with Farmer Associations/Cooperatives, donor-funded projects, and the Accademia as a Lecturer.

Short Biography

Dr. Barthlomew Chataika is a dedicated and result-oriented professional with high esteem for contributing to agricultural research for development (AR4D). He has over 15years of work and consultancy experience in the agricultural sector. Dr. Chataika holds a Ph.D in Agriculture majoring in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Master of Science Degree in Agronomy (Plant Breeding), a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science), and a Diploma in Agriculture. His Ph.D. dissertation has a bias towards the nutraceutical breeding of indigenous vegetables and has published several peer reviewed articles in high impact journals. He also holds several professional qualifications, including Marker-Assisted Plant Breeding, Next-Generation Sequencing, International Certification in Project Management, Fundraising and Resource Mobilization, Project Implementation Management, Demand-Led Plant Breeding, Data Management and Analysis, Cooperative Leadership, and Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). 

Position in organisation
Programme Officer

Funding Partners