Ground Floor, Red Brick Building, Plot 4701 Station Exit Road
Mailing Address: Private Bag 00357, Gaborone, Botswana
Ph.D in Agriculture majoring in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Master of Science Degree in Agronomy (Plant Breeding), a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science), and a Diploma in Agriculture
Dr. Chataika has worked with several agricultural institutions including National NGOs, International Research Institutions, Government Projects, Donor funded projects, and Farmer Associations & Cooperatives. He worked for two CGIARs (IITA and CIAT), implementing agricultural research for development (AR4D) projects, supporting resource mobilization initiatives, generation, and dissemination of agricultural technologies, including climates smart agricultural (CSA) technologies; and capacity strengthening of the SADC agricultural institutions. He has also worked with Farmer Associations/Cooperatives, donor-funded projects, and the Accademia as a Lecturer.
Dr. Barthlomew Chataika is a dedicated and result-oriented professional with high esteem for contributing to agricultural research for development (AR4D). He has over 15years of work and consultancy experience in the agricultural sector. Dr. Chataika holds a Ph.D in Agriculture majoring in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Master of Science Degree in Agronomy (Plant Breeding), a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science), and a Diploma in Agriculture. His Ph.D. dissertation has a bias towards the nutraceutical breeding of indigenous vegetables and has published several peer reviewed articles in high impact journals. He also holds several professional qualifications, including Marker-Assisted Plant Breeding, Next-Generation Sequencing, International Certification in Project Management, Fundraising and Resource Mobilization, Project Implementation Management, Demand-Led Plant Breeding, Data Management and Analysis, Cooperative Leadership, and Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).