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Manual of Good Practices in Small Scale Irrigation in the Sahel

Date of Publication
Jan 01, 2014

The manual is targeted at small-scale irrigation actors – particularly technical services, projects and programmes with the potential to develop their own good practices for use by others in the sector. e manual o-ers guidance to newcomers, helping them to identify existing successful practices. It will also serve to guide state and TFP services in their development of new programmes and projects. Lastly, this good practice manual will enable Malian actors to share their know-how with other countries within and beyond the sub-region.

Author or Institution as Author
Dieter Nill

Godihald Mushinzimana

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Resource Type

Nill, D. and Mushinzimana, G. 2014. Manual of Good Practices in Small Scale Irrigation in the Sahel - Experiences from Mali, Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2017

Guidance on how to apply the Vulnerability Sourcebook’s approach with the new IPCC AR5 concept of climate risk

Author or Institution as Author
Marc Zebisch

Stefan Schneiderbauer, Kathrin Renner (EURAC)

Till Below, Michael Brossmann, Waltraud Ederer, Susanne Schwan (GIZ)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Resource Type

GIZ and EURAC 2017: Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook. Guidance on how to apply the Vulnerability Sourcebook’s approach with the new IPCC AR5 concept of climate risk. Bonn: GIZ.

Guide complémentaire sur la vulnérabilité: le concept de risque

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2017

Lignes directrices sur l’utilisation de l’approche du Guide de référence sur la vulnérabilité en intégrant le nouveau concept de risque climatique de l’AR5 du GIEC

Author or Institution as Author
Marc Zebisch

Stefan Schneiderbauer, Kathrin Renner (EURAC)

Till Below, Michael Brossmann, Waltraud Ederer, Susanne Schwan (GIZ)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Resource Type

GIZ et EURAC 2017, Guide complémentaire sur la vulnérabilité: le concept de risque. Lignes directrices sur l’utilisation de l’approche du Guide de référence sur la vulnérabilité en intégrant le nouveau concept de risque climatique de l’AR5 du GIEC. Bonn: GIZ.

Guide de référence sur la vulnérabilité - Concept et lignes directrices pour la conduite d’analyses de vulnérabilité standardisées

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2015

Le cinquième rapport d’évaluation (AR5) récemment publié par le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) souligne une nouvelle fois les risques omniprésents liés aux changements climatiques. La vulnérabilité à la variabilité actuelle du climat et aux changements climatiques futurs menace particulièrement le développement des populations pauvres et marginalisées. Les conclusions du rapport soulignent qu’il sera nécessaire de reconnaître l’adaptation de manière adéquate lors du futur accord sur le changement climatique en 2015, afin faire face à la vulnérabilité climatique de façon efficace.

Author or Institution as Author
Kerstin Fritzsche

Stefan Schneiderbauer, Philip Bubeck, Stefan Kienberger, Mareike Buth, Marc Zebisch et Walter Kahlenborn

Ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ), Mission "Climat"
Resource Type

Fritzsche, K & Schneiderbauer, S. & Bollin, C. & Kienberger, S. & Buth, M. & Zebisch, M. & Kahlenborn, W. 2014. Guide de référence sur la vulnérabilité - Concept et lignes directrices pour la conduite d’analyses de vulnérabilité standardisées, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany.

Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool (RLAT) for agribusiness value chains - User guide for maize

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2015

The purpose of the RLAT is to provide a sufficiently accurate pre-screening tool for identifying intervention points along agribusiness Value Chains (VCs), working out incentives for VC operators and proposing measures to reduce pre- and post-harvest losses. The tool supports the design of concrete interventions that have the primary aim of improving food security at the subsistence level, either on farms or in communities, and the secondary aim of upgrading specific VCs.

Author or Institution as Author
Heike Ostermann

Margret Will, Kerstin Hell

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Special unit ‘One World – No Hunger’
Resource Type

Ostermann, H. & Will, M. & Hell, K.2015. Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool (RLAT) for agribusiness value chains - User guide for maize, Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool (RLAT) - RLAT in practice: A toolbox for maize

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2015

An easily manageable methodology that provides hands-on strategic orientation to those developing realistic and realisable measures for sustainable food loss reduction. The methodology is designed to serve as a pre-screening for further in-depth-studies and to identify leverage points for reducing losses at the various value chain stages — from farming, through handling and processing, to retail trade.

Author or Institution as Author
Heike Ostermann

Margret Will, Kerstin Hell

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Special unit ‘One World – No Hunger’
Resource Type

Ostermann, H. & Will, M. & Hell, K. 2015. Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool (RLAT) - RLAT in practice: A toolbox for maize, Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

Understanding groundwater & wells in manual drilling

Date of Publication
Jun 01, 2010

Instruction handbook for manual drilling teams on hydro-geology for well drilling, well installation and well development

Author or Institution as Author
Arjen van der Wal
PRACTICA Foundation - Manual drilling series
Resource Type

Van der Wal, A. 2010. Understanding groundwater and wells in manual drilling, PRACTICA Foundation, Papendrecht, The Netherlands

SADC Multi-country Agricultural Productivity Programme (SADC MAPP)

Date of Publication
Apr 01, 2008

This programme requires an institutional mechanism to undertake the programme. After extensive stakeholder consultation within the region, and a review of regional and international experience, a semi-autonomous sub-regional organisation (SRO), linked to the SADC Secretariat through a formal memorandum of understanding has been determined as the most appropriate structure for such an agency.

SADC MAPP is designed as a comprehensive 15-year programme of change, arranged around three 5 year phases. The overall programme goal is to bring about pluralistic and strengthened agricultural technology generation and dissemination, together with strengthening linkages among agricultural institutions in the SADC region in order to accelerate smallholder productivity. The result will be market- and smallholder-responsive and accessible agricultural technologies which will create agricultural growth, and increase incomes especially amongst the rural poor. In the first phase, SADC MAPP will focus on two major objectives:

  • strengthen SADC R&D institutions in their efforts to become more pluralistic, responsive to updated regional priorities, and to participate in priority R&D activities in the SADC region, and,
  • make a significant contribution to enable farmers, especially smallholders, to have improved access to, and to increase the early adoption of productive, profitable, and ecologically sustainable technologies, as well as enhanced access to markets.
Author or Institution as Author
Resource Type

Trainee Manual Introduced to Integrated Pest Management

Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2008

This handbook has been prepared by CropLife International as part of a training course on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The objective of the course is to provide an overall understanding of the concepts of IPM, together with the principles for implementation in all crops. In this handbook, and during the course, it is assumed that participants are aware of IPM, but are not fully familiar with the concepts, and practical principles of implementation.

The handbook contains all the information that should be presented in the training course, together with some additional background information.

The main target groups of the course are pesticide retailers and agricultural extension officers, although farmers could also be included. With the understanding of IPM provided by the course, participants should be able to understand the practical implementation of IPM in actual farm and crop situations.

Author or Institution as Author
Crop Life International
Resource Type

Crop Life, 2018. Trainee Manual Introduced to Integrated Pest Management.

Handbook for Integrated Soil Fertility Management

Date of Publication
Sep 01, 2012

This book is meant for training of extension workers in soil fertility management techniques in SSA and for workers involved in rural development that would like to learn more about the principles and practices of ISFM. This handbook is also a useful primer on ISFM for education organizations such as universities and technical colleges, organizations involved in the development of policy on agriculture and rural development that need reference materials on ISFM techniques, and other government and non-government organizations (NGOs) seeking to implement ISFM.

Author or Institution as Author
Thomas Fairhurst
Resource Type

Thomas Fairhurst. Africa Soil Health Consortium (ASHC), 2012. Handbook for Integrated Soil Fertility Management.

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