Malabo Implementation Status in Southern and Eastern Africa
This presentation is about the Malabo Implementation Status in Southern and Eastern Africa
M. Muchero, (2022) Malabo Implementation Status in Southern and Eastern Africa, Pg. 13
This presentation is about the Malabo Implementation Status in Southern and Eastern Africa
M. Muchero, (2022) Malabo Implementation Status in Southern and Eastern Africa, Pg. 13
This presentation is about an overview of the Malabo Commitements
M.Muchero(2022) An overview of the Malabo Commitements,Pg. 17
This a presentation of the CAADP-XP4 Programme
f.Magagula(2022), An overview of the CAADP-XP4 Programme, pg. 26
Climate change is now known to be a key threat to achieving sustainable development and poverty reduction targets, as well as attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in Africa. Climate change is altering rainfall patterns, water availability, and sea levels; it is increasing droughts and the frequency of bushfires, and increasingly impacting on human health, agricultural productivity, forests and biodiversity. In this way, climate change will negatively affect the social, economic and environmental dimensions of human livelihoods in Africa.
Dlamini, C. S. 2014. African forests, People and Climate change Project: Forest and Climate Changes Policies, Strategies and Programmes in the SADC and COMESA regions. African Forest Forum, Working Paper Series, Vol. 2(17), 39 pp
The study looks at (i) Main Substantive Elements and Commitments and (ii) Reporting, Review and Compliance. The IPCC recognizes Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) hence its significant role in the NDCs . The study also highlights the challenges, opportunities and strategies for improving the implementation of nationally determined conditions in the Eastern and Southern Africa regions.
Dlamini C., (2020). Enhancement of national forest governance to respond to the Paris Agreement and related global change policies and initiatives in Eastern and Southern Africa : African Forest Forum Working Paper, Vol (5) 4, Nairobi.
This chapter discusses how forest ecosystem services (FES) can contribute toward food security in the context of Sustainable Development Goal 2, which seeks to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
Dlamini, C.S. (2019) Contribution of Forest Ecosystem Services Toward Food Security and Nutrition. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Zero Hunger. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
TORS- Website Maintenance and upgrades of the core development platform - Drupal - CCARDESA Secretariat, Botswana.
TORS- Website Maintenance and upgrades of the core development platform - Drupal - CCARDESA Secretariat, Botswana.
Terms of Reference : Development of Information, Communication & Technilogy Based Knowldge Products in the SADC Region