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Author or Institution as Author
Henry Neufeldt

Patricia M. Kristjanson, T. Thorlakson, Anja Gassner, M. Norton-Griffiths; Frank Place, K. Langford

Resource Type
Curated Content
Best Practice
Date of Publication
Dec 01, 2011

This brief focuses on the challenges in making climate-smart agricultural production work for the poor, who will be the most vulnerable to climate impacts. It offers recommendations to overcome constraints, as even small management changes can have significant income and livelihood benefits.


Neufeldt H, Kristjanson P, Thorlakson T, Gassner A, Norton-Griffiths M, Place F, Langford K, 2011. ICRAF Policy Brief 12: Making climate-smart agriculture work for the poor. Nairobi, Kenya. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

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