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Author or Institution as Author
Marie-Ange Baudoin
Resource Type
Curated Content
Case Study
Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2015

The study focused on the NDM as a first step:

Mixed research approach to collect quanDtaDve and qualitaDve data through interviews conducted with small organisaDons (15 NGOs, 8 CBOs and 7 governmental units) idenDfied as potenDal applicants to the SGF project in the NDM


1) to assess adapDve capaciDes among local organisaDons before the SGF project starts;

2) to idenDfy gaps in terms of knowledge and understanding of what CCA is ;

3) To inform facilitating agencies about needs for capacity buildings

Follow-up interviews will be conducted during the course of the SGF project to track progress in adapDve capacity and observe concrete impacts in terms of enhanced adapDve capacity among local organisaDons

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