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Mr. Abel Hangoma
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Computer programming at Everlyn Hone College of Applied Arts & Science

Professional Experience

Mr Hangoma, commonly known as the Radical Farmer on Facebook, is into organic farming and narrates that the future is in farming, adding that it was high time youths seized the opportunity.  

“People eat on a daily basis whether you like it or not, rich or poor and food is not for free. When you are dealing with food, you are rest assured that someone, somewhere, is a potential consumer,” he noted.

Mr Hangoma reaffirmed that venturing into the agricultural space was the right way to go adding that if farmers do not find customers, at least they will be food secure at the household level.

He further added that the world was at a phase where there were a lot of challenges associated with food insecurity, and climate change, among others.

“We need to look at the realities of life and see things as they are; we need to create a sustainable model that nourishes both people and the planet. This is what motivated me to grow food organically because I wanted to be part of the solution,” he echoed.

Mr Hangoma discovered that fertilisers, pest management, and water were some of the factors that hindered people from going into organic farming, and he began researching and sharing organic innovations using Facebook.   

He lamented that most youths were not going into agriculture due to a lack of role models stating that youths do not venture into something where they are certain that there is poverty, and this pushed him to become o

Professional Networks
Ellebel Technologies
Short Biography

31-year-old Zambian who moved from E and F. With a background in Computer Engineering, Abel left employment to create employment by venturing into Farming.

Position in organisation
Radical Farmer

Funding Partners