Ground Floor, Red Brick Building, Plot 4701 Station Exit Road
Mailing Address: Private Bag 00357, Gaborone, Botswana
Masters of Science in Social Protection Financing
Professional Qualifications in Procurement and Contract Management
For the past, ten years, he has been working in the public procurement monitoring and training as well as managing large scale procurements under the support of Development Partners such as World Bank, African Development Bank and European Union. Through this path he has been able to develop strategic long-term partnerships at all levels. Currently he is the Procurement Expert at the regional Organization responsible for guiding Procurement Management and Contract Management for some SADC Member states including Lesotho. He is a versatile leader with keen interest and immense involvement in youth Development Projects, and a special interest in Healthcare Issues.
Tseliso Makara is a Scholar and holds a Masters of Science in Social Protection Financing as well as several Professional Qualifications in Procurement and Contract Management. He has over 10 years of experience in both private and public Sectors.