PhD in International Development and a Master’s degree in International Development Co-operation.
Dr. Mwale has worked as a social science professional for over 12 years in an academic and research institution and has extensive experience in gender analysis, transformative activities, gender mainstreaming, social inclusion, water, climate change, environment, and natural resources. She holds a PhD in International Development and a Master’s degree in International Development Co-operation.
As a gender expert, Dr Mwale has conducted research and consultancy for various organisations including government departments, donor agencies, the private sector, international organisations, and NGOs among others. In her consultancy experience she has worked for donor-funded projects commissioned by several donor organisations and NGOs including DANIDA, AfDB, SNV, SIDA, UNDP, UNICEF, WYG International, CSPR, Diakonia Zambia, and JCTR.
Dr. Nawa Shalala Mwale will serve as GWP Southern Africa’s Gender Advisor in Zambia, where she will support the implementation of AIP WACDEP-G.