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Prof Cuthbert Banga
Email address
Sector affiliation
Education level
Area of Specialisation
Animal Sciences
Working language

BSc Honours Agriculture (Animal Science), University of Zimbabwe (1988) 

MSc Animal Science (Animal Breeding), University of Zimbabwe (1991) 

Professional Management Programme, University of South Africa (2001)

 PhD (Animal Breeding & Genetics), University of Free State, South Africa (2009)

Professional Experience

Management of dairy cattle recording and improvement schemes in two different countries (South Africa & Zimbabwe) • Running dairy cattle genetic evaluation programmes in South Africa & Zimbabwe • Development, planning and execution of projects pertaining to dairy cattle recording and improvement • Liaising with dairy industry stakeholders to ensure dairy cattle improvement and related services meet clients’ requirements • Identifying and implementing research programmes, with special emphasis on utilisation of dairy performance recording data • Delivery of advisory & extension services to the dairy industry • Publication and presentation of research findings • Part-time lecturing & supervision of MSc & PhD students

Professional Networks
Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Biography

A National Research Foundation C3 rated researcher, with thirty years’ experience in livestock research and academic work, focussing primarily on dairy herd improvement and management. Major experiences include management of national dairy herd improvement schemes in two different countries, management and execution of research and development projects, publication and presentation of research findings, delivery of extension and advisory services and training and mentorship of young scientists. Has played a leading role in sourcing funds for national research and development projects, including a CAN$5 million CIDA-funded dairy development and capacity building project for Zimbabwe in 1994, and a current International Atomic Energy Agency funded project on application of genomics technology for the smallholder dairy production system. Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific publications/presentations (more than 40 peer-reviewed), 1 book chapter and numerous articles in the farming press. Makes regular scientific contributions as a reviewer of applications for NRF funding and journal and congress papers. Co-edited 1 scientific book. Possesses extensive experience as a part-time lecturer and has supervised 19 completed MSc and 5 PhD theses and 1 graduate fellowship. Regularly provides services to universities, as an external examiner, and has examined 25 MSc and 8 PhD theses. Currently supervising 9 masters and 12 PhD students. Has been involved in the training and mentorship of numerous young researchers under the ARC’s professional development programme and other mentorship programmes. Currently Project Leader for a large scale SADC Smallholder Dairy Project. Member of the NRF standing panel for the Agricultural Sciences and Water Research Council Reference Group on Sustainable Utilisation of Water Footprints. Representative for Africa on the Outreach Working Group of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR). Has carried out various assignments for the Food & Agricultural Organisation(FAO) and International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and was a member of the FAO Expert Working Group on Animal Identification and Recording

Position in organisation
Associate Professor

Funding Partners