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Author or Institution as Author
SADC Secretariat
Resource Type
Curated Content
Best Practice
Date of Publication
Aug 01, 2017

This is the 2nd volume of a collection of stories by SADC Secretariat to inform SADC citizens and enhance awareness about the positive impacts of SADC  protocols, agreements, policies and strategies.  It seeks to paint an accurate picture of how SADC regional integration programmes are changing the lives of SADC citizens for the better. Just to highlight a few, at the Zambezi River, there is the construction of the Kazungula Bridge that will soon form a major transport link in the heart of the SADC region. In Malawi, there is the Bvumbwe tomato, which was developed to address the specific conditions of this region and the needs of the SADC population.  And in Namibia’s Walvis Bay and Mozambique’s Nacala, there are two entry points to the growing network of development corridors alongside which the SADC region will develop in the coming decades.


SADC Secretariat, 2017. SADC Sucess Stories Vol. 2, 2017, SADC Secretariat, Gaborone

Latest Resources

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