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Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)

Ndimbo, M., Shida, N., Mbiu, J., Kilango, M., Madata, C., Binagwa, P. and Kasuga, R. (2022). Variety Catalogue of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) in Tanzania.  TARI Research Publication No.1Ndimbo, M., Shida, N., Mbiu, J., Kilango, M., Madata, C., Binagwa, P. and Kasuga, R. (2022). Variety Catalogue of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) in Tanzania.  TARI Research Publication No.1

Resource Type
Curated Content
Decision Tool
Date of Publication
Dec 01, 2022


Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plays a paramount role in the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Tanzania; as a food security crop and source of income.  Both the cultivated area and bean production level has increased over the years since 1995. The upward trend can be attributable to research efforts by National Agricultural Research System (NARS) in collaboration with CIAT/PABRA which have resulted in identification and development of several improved bean varieties tolerant to environmental stresses. This has increased bean productivity from 0.5 MT/Ha in 1974 to 1.4 t/ha in 2021 (FAOSTAT, 2022).

However, bean production in the country is limited by several biotic and non-biotic constraints. Major constraints include, genetically low yielding varieties, diseases, insect pests and poor soil fertility, especially low soil nitrogen and phosphorus. In view of both the diversity of the constraints and the fact that common bean is largely a “resource -poor farmer’s crop”; development and dissemination of improved bean genotypes is the most viable option for promoting bean productivity in Tanzania.

Frequent droughts in most East and Central African countries have led to food shortages, malnutrition, social instability and reliance on food aid (IGAD, 2007). This scenario has underscored the need for improved crop varieties and associated technologies which assure farmers of a reasonable harvest in rapidly changing production environments.

Due to high demand for beans, partly as a result of rapid population growth, its demand has outstripped supply, with some countries in the region becoming net bean importers. The overall objective for the bean research Programme is to contribute to the attainment of sustainable food self-sufficient at household and national level, increase income generation, employment growth and enhanced earnings through the development and dissemination of appropriate and environmentally friendly technologies.


 The bean research program under the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) has released high productive, multiple tolerant and nutrient dense common bean varieties. This catalogue gives a description of 41 released bean varieties among them six (6) are climbing types and 35 bush types. For each variety, the catalogue provides identification, morphological and agronomic characteristics, and recommended production areas.


Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute

Ndimbo, M., Shida, N., Mbiu, J., Kilango, M., Madata, C., Binagwa, P. and Kasuga, R. (2022). Variety Catalogue of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) in Tanzania.  TARI Research Publication No.1

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