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Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)
Resource Type
Curated Content
Brochures and Pamphlets
Date of Publication
Sep 01, 2017

The New Extensionist is a global view of extension and advisory services (EAS) that reinvents and clearly articulates the role of EAS in the rapidly-changing rural context. It argues for an expanded role for EAS within agricultural innovation systems (AIS) and development of new capacities at different levels to play this role.

The Learning Kit contains 13 modules designed for self-directed, face-to-face, or blended learning and can be a useful tool for (not exclusively) individual extension field staff, managers, lecturers and non-governmental organisations, and other training institutions. The development process was designed and managed as an iterative journey of broad consultations, discussions, and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders.


Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS). The New Extension Learning Kit, 2017. Lausanne, SWITZERLAND

Latest Resources

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Agronomic assessment of a taro-bambara intercrop under rainfed conditions
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