Felista is no ordinary farmer. In her academic quest, she unveiled the extraordinary benefits of an everyday fruit - the grape. Her research highlighted …

Experienced Tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the Agricultural industry.

Founder of Native Feeds | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Agribusiness Consultant | ISAM Ambassador2022

Moreblessing Zirebwa is a languages practitioner.

A National Research Foundation C3 rated researcher, with thirty years’ experience in livestock research and academic work, focussing primarily on dairy herd improvement…

I am animal scientist with over 17 years experience in teaching, research and community outreach. I have supervised 10 PhD, 17 MSc and 42 BSc candidates and have…

Mr Anthony Kigombola is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has joined the University of Dar es Salaam in 2009.

Jean-Louis TSHISAMBU M is an expert in charge of Monitoring and reporting to the National Ministry of Agriculture. In his area of work, he is responsible for…

Mr Cishugi Murhula Justin has been working for the Ministry of Agriculture for 18years years at the Head of Division at the Plant Protection Office. He also…

Information and Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands in Botswana.

Carlos Filimone is currently a Researcher and Head of Technology Transfer Department at Institute of Agriculture Research of Mozambique

A socioeconomic researcher and executive secretary of the IIAM Scientific-Technical Council.