Mrs. Keneilwe Bungile is an information management specialist with over ten years’ experience.

Orapeleng Nareetsile is the General Secretary of the Botswana Youth Cooperative Alliance (BYCA), the youth wing of the Botswana Cooperative Association (BOCA). He also…

31-year-old Zambian who moved from E and F. With a background in Computer Engineering, Abel left employment to create employment by venturing into Farming.

Prof Kennedy Dzama is an award-winning livestock geneticist. He holds a doctorate in animal breeding and genetics from the Texas A&M University, USA. His …

Dr. Nawa Shalala Mwale will serve as GWP Southern Africa’s Gender Advisor in Zambia, where she will support the implementation of AIP WACDEP-G.
Ms Vidah Yosia Mahava is a Senior Agricultural Research Officer under Technology Transfer and Partnership in Mikocheni Agricultural Research Centre in the Ministry of…

She is employed in the Ministry of Agriculture as Agricultural Information Officer presently based in Chilanga District under the Department of National Agricultural…

He is a Technical Advisor on SADC Transfrontier Conservation Areas. He worked at the National Administration of Conservation Areas representing the Administrative…

With over 36 years of extended practical profession experience including at very high levels of corporate organisations spanning a large spectrum of business including…

Certified Knowledge Management (Manager)| Development Communications Practitioner -KM4AgD / Program &Youth Engagement|Agribusiness & Research Development…

Research Leader SCAP UNAM at Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme

Benjamin Abugri is the Knowledge Management and Outreach Officer for FARA.